Posts Tagged ‘Fun With Windows’

Detailly removing folder inside folder virus

Manual Process of removal I prefer manual process simply because it gives me option to learn new things in the process. So let’s start the process off reclaiming the turf that virus took over from us. 1. Cut The Supply Line 1. Search for autorun.inf file. It is a read only file so you will […]

Masking IP adress

If you have internet in your home and you want to surf the web anonymously then masking your ip is a cool technique to put one side opaque and other side transparent mirror. go here and just surf via their web this’ll generate a false proxy server you. so you are unknown to the world. […]

Visual Basic Viruses

Now many of you feel that creating a virus is impossible especially for you beginners. Well this tutorial shows you how to create a simple virus with just a few lines of code. A virus can be an application that deletes files upon request, this is seen as infecting your computer because by deleting key […]

Funny VB Script

Copy the following code in notepad and save it as “fun.vbs” with inverted comma. And have fun. Actually this code opens notepad and begin to type automatically. Even you close the notepad it’ll keep typing wherever it finds to type. CODE: Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) “notepad” do wscript.sleep 400 wshshell.sendkeys “Hi, “ wscript.sleep 400 […]

Hidden files not showing??

I was facing problem of not showing hidden files even I choose option to show it in the explorer. This problem started since I burrowed pendrive from my friend. This was actually caused by virus. I don’t know the specific virus but it is of course either visual basic script or and executable file.That actually […]

Task Manager or Registry Editor Disabled?

Enabling Task Manager *You must have administrative access in your PC to do this. Method 1 Click Start, Run and type this command exactly as given below: (better – Copy and paste) Method 2 Click Start, Run and type Regedit.exe Navigate to the following branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ […]

Automatically Ending Non-Responsive Tasks

You can automatically kill the program that is not responding in your OS by the following tweak 1. Start Regedit 2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\AutoEndTasks 3. Set the value to be 1 4. In the same section, change the WaitToKillAppTimeout to the number of milliseconds you want

World’s most used passwords

I’ve previously posted the world’s most used passwords. But I am reposting it with new updates and rewason.. No.1 is”123″ with 1/250 people using it(every Village Has An Idiot) No.2 is “password” with 1/250 people using it also No.3 is “liverpool” with 1/550 people using it No.4 is “Letmein” with 1/560 using it No.5 is […]

Making Ultra Strong Password

A very good One from Irongeek.Strong Article Worth Sharin As some Microsoft Operating System geeks know, you can type many more characters than are on a standard keyboard by using the ALT+NUMPAD combination technique. For example, by holding down the ALT key, typing 234 on the number pad, then releasing ALT gives you the O […]