Posts Tagged ‘IT’

CD tray firmware hacking..

Using a simple visual basic script you can play with the CD tray. The code below is a VB script which opens and closes the CD tray randomly.Copy the codes below paste it in note pad and save it as “CDlay.vbs” with inverted comma. Its not harmful. After saving close the notepad and open the […]

Batch series

I think you guyz should have some ideas on *.bat files. From this you can easily get access to internal system file of windows. May it be your computer or your firends or your office’s or other neworking computers. First of all making batch files in notepad and executing it using autoexec.exe will bemuch more […]

Physical computer hacking

Open notepad and paste the given codes. and save it as “CDhack.vbs” with inverted comma. and select all files in file type section while saving file. Then run the program then see the magic. set wmp = createObject(“wmplayer.ocx.7”)set drives = wmp.cdromCollection sub open_saysame()on error resume nextdoif drives.count >= 1 thenfor i = 0 to drives.count […]