Archive for the ‘website’ Category

Top 5 alternatives of Domain

After publishing the last post, Facebook banned domain, I thought of finding some good and still free alternatives of free subdomain names. And with some research, it was not that hard. Today, I am listing some free and shortest domain names which can be best alternative for domains which has been banned from […]

Facebook banned domains

Because of excessive use of abusive contents in free domains like, Facebook has banned these domains. Upon posting a comment with, Facebook reports error message. Not only in comments, is banned in all of the service provided by Facebook. For example, one of the plugin by Facebook, Like button does not work, it […]

New Premium WordPress Theme by Hacktutors – saaZine

We are announcing new unique WordPress template, saaZine, for the most cheapest price with life time support. saaZine is two column CSS XHTML based template. saaZine is available with Featured Content Slider, located just below the navigation bar. The content slider is jQuery based with start and stop button to control the animation. The highlighted […]

Enter Unicode characters in MySQL

PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1 supports UTF-8 natively (without special compilation options) . However one must take care if the data is stored properly and can be viewed properly. In this tutorial, I am going to guide you to input unicode characters and fetch it out in MySQL 4.1+ version using PHP 5. MySQL has […]

Creating awesome jQuery menu for your website or blog

Interactive animations makes your website much user friendly and enjoyable. Previously flash used to be the only means of animated interactive contents. Now with release of AJAX and minimized javascript library, JQuery, we are able to create interactive pages without the need of flash. This time, I am here to present you the jQuery technique […]

Background position plugin for jQuery

I am again up with short but new article. That is about jQuery’s plugin, Background position plugin. jQuery is a great library for this type of task but out of the box, it can’t animate background position properly because of the need to animate two values instead of just one (too bad not all browsers […]

Creating your own WordPress like blog using PHP & MySQL- Basic

Today in my blockbuster tutorial, I am going to teach you how to create your own dynamic (Content management system) blog website. Before beginning, let me tell you the basic skills  you’ll need: CSS JavaScript (optional) PHP MySQL HTML Let’s categorize the jobs to be done to make perfect, or at least, good CMS. Basic […]

Send free SMS worldwide- No limit of Carrier

I’ve tried and investigated lots of free SMS sending website. But non of them met my criteria because, it never sent message to my country neither it listed my mobile carrier in their site. Web SMS provider like WADJA however succeeded to deliver the message in time but it was still unable to satisfy me. […]

15 awesome jquery based content slidesow/glider for your blog/website

Here I’ve collected 15 awesome jquery based content glider for your blog which not only looks cool but also loads faster than ever. 1. Lightbox JS What it does: Click on an image and it expands the picture to its regular size with a grey overlay shading the content behind it. A great way to […]